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Monday, November 15, 2010

The Colors of Chichicastanango

Walking into Market Day at Chichicastanango, a Village in the highlands of Guatemala, you are immediately greeted by the Colors, the scents and the eye boggling energy of a Native Mayan marketplace. I began to walk through the narrow passageways and cobblestone streets of Chichi as I will call it. I was in awe with all the colors, yet at the same time overwhelmed by the immensity of this place. My senses were completely overtaken and I had to step back for awhile and pull myself together. If you are not one for crowds then Chichi might not be for you. Yet the experience of this place is one that should not be missed if you can possibly handle it. The ride from San Pedro La Laguna on Lake Aitilan is an adventure in itself. Due to the severe rains, floods and mudslides of the past season, the road which ascends around curves and a one pothole after another is not for the faint of heart, yet the beauty of the jungle around you is well worth the adventure. I was grateful for the skill of our driver navigating all the potholes, mud holes, rocks and debris that would make this drive challenging even for the best. From San Pedro it takes around 2 hours to reach Chichi. Sunday is the most popular day to go and believe me it is obvious with the crowds and the tourist groups that come from Antigua. After two hours of climbs, curves and holes you reach the town. You can easily spend all day here, wandering through the stalls, in hope of finding the best bargain. It is best to wait til the last hour of the market which closes at 2:00 as that is when the seller's are willing to take the lowest price for their wares. I recommend wearing your money belts under your pants or clothes and keep them hidden. The market is so crowded and people bump into you, and also many attempt to touch you when trying to sell you something. Using the term, No Gracias, No Me Moleste, No thank you, do not bother me with a firm, yet polite tone should help keep them at abay. Nevertheless, the market is worth a visit and you might walk away with some bargains. Guatemalan weaving and crafts are wonderful works of art so it is worth it to buy a few things. Also, it does help the people who work hard and live a touch life. When you begin to feel overcome by all the energy, I recommend going across the street to the Hotel Tomas. A beautiful hotel with balconies covered in bouganvilla and other flowers. The waiters are dressed in traditional attire and the hotel serves a brunch. It is a nice retreat away from the crowds of the market. The gardens are beautiful with orchids, Hydrangia and also Parrots atop their perches. It is also one of the few places with a nice Bano (bathroom). Remember to bring your camera, as the colors are a dream for any photographer. I tried to be discrete when photographing people, staying at a distance using my zoom. Same with the wares, I used my zoom, although the temptation is hard to resist. Children often want a tip if you decide you want to photograph them. So for a colorful day of scents and sights Chichicastango is well worth the trip.

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